Butterfly stitch for saree blouse neck borders

The stitch we are going to learn today is Butterfly stitch using Aari Embroidery technique.  Here I'll show you a picture
for you to get an idea how it looks. 
Wow I like this color combination.  I love Turquoise blue, with gold beads it gives an elegant look to this Aari/Maggam stitch.  I love it.  Hope you all love it and want to try it on your next project.

Here is the explanation of the Butterfly stitch using aari needle.  First draw 2 parallel lines.  The base for the butterfly stitch is the satin stitch in Aari embroidery which I explained in my previous post clearly with explanation and video.  So I am going to explain it little bit and move on.  You can always refer from my previous post here.  Get ready with your embroidery frame loaded with fabric of your choice, check the frame tension, you should feel it like a drum ( hence the name Tambour Embroidery).

Material needed:
Embroidery Frame
Silk thread
Aari needle
Fabric of your choice
Gold beads or seed beads.

Start with a single chain stitch in the down line from the 2 parallel lines , from the next stitch pull the thread to the top, punch it there in the top line, pull the thread out and again put a knot stitch there next to it in the top line.  Now pull the thread down and punch down in the bottom line, pull out, knot stitch and pull up.  This is the pattern you have to follow for satin stitch in Aari / Maggam embroidery.

Step 1 : Start with a chain stitch

Step 2: Pulling the thread upwards.

Step 3: pulling the thread down

Step 4: Finished look of satin stitch
After finishing a row of stitches, we going to do little bit more on top of this stitch to make it a butterfly stitch.  For that get ready with your beads.  Here I am going to use golden beads.  It is optional, you can use any beads you like.  I can be any beads like pearl bead, seed bead, or gold bead etc.  But should be a bead (lol). 

Now start with a chain stitch in the middle of the satin stitch row as shown in the picture:
Step 5: Showing the mid position to start the chain stitch
Now pull 3 or 4 strands of thread inward and punch it there and pull the thread out.  Then add a single bead to it, then put a knot stitch there.  Again start a chain stitch, pull 3 or 4 strands inwards and punch there, then add a bead.  I know it is little hard, but you can do it with little practice.  Here is the picture for you to explain it how:

Step 6: Adding bead to the chain stitch

Step 7:  Pulling the strands inwards

After finishing the row, put a knot and finish the stitch.

Here is the end product...

Hope you all enjoyed the tutorial.  I am uploading a video tutorial to explain it, will add a link soon.  Please feel to ask your doubts if you have any.

Here is the link for the video tutorial for this Butterfly stitch in Aari/Tambour embroidery:


  1. Excellent Explanation!!!!!!!!!!! Keep going and Thanks for sharing

  2. Wow! I love the unfinished chalk marks and stains! Is there a name or address to research the embroiderer? I would try to look into it and if nothing, I would make up a history. The piece could become an artwork between stitchers through time, though I would leave the original stitches as is and add new completely different images too. Enjoy whatever you decide:)

  3. Just love your embroidery ! Thanks for sharing these stitches with us. On my 'to do list' that's for sure. Also loving the new clean look to your blog :-)

  4. I was searching for filling stitches in aari work. Finally i got ur blog. butterfly stitch is wonderful i tried in my blouse too. thank you for sharing

  5. Wow.. Thanks for your tutorial..

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